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If your child is absent call the school office before 9:00 AM you must provide:

  • Child's full name (and spelling)

  • Date(s) of absence

  • Reason for absence

  • Caller's Name and relationship to student

  • Phone number where you can be reached

Attendance is important for your child’s education and future.

Allowable / Excusable Absences 

  1. Illness (If absent for more than 2 consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required. Please bring any medical notes to the office) 
  2. Medical, optical or dental services/appointments
    (we strongly recommend having appointments after school hours as this can affect their academic time) 
  3. Funeral services for an immediate family member
    • one day allowed if the service is in California
    • three days allowed if the service is outside California 
  4. Quarantine or Covid Symptoms
  5. Personal justifiable reasons (for example, to observe a religious ceremony or festivity)

Unallowable Absences

  • Going shopping 
  • Feeling tired/waking up late 
  • Student’s birthday 
  • Slept in 
  • Visiting relatives
  • Asking the student to take care of younger siblings 
  • Transportation problems

Please contact the Attendance Clerk via email, phone call or hand written note to clear absences or any attendance related questions/concerns.