If your child is absent call the school office before 9:00 AM you must provide:
Child's full name (and spelling)
Date(s) of absence
Reason for absence
Caller's Name and relationship to student
Phone number where you can be reached
Attendance is important for your child’s education and future.
Allowable / Excusable Absences
- Illness (If absent for more than 2 consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required. Please bring any medical notes to the office)
- Medical, optical or dental services/appointments
(we strongly recommend having appointments after school hours as this can affect their academic time) - Funeral services for an immediate family member
- one day allowed if the service is in California
- three days allowed if the service is outside California
- Quarantine or Covid Symptoms
- Personal justifiable reasons (for example, to observe a religious ceremony or festivity)
Unallowable Absences
- Going shopping
- Feeling tired/waking up late
- Student’s birthday
- Slept in
- Visiting relatives
- Asking the student to take care of younger siblings
- Transportation problems
Please contact the Attendance Clerk via email, phone call or hand written note to clear absences or any attendance related questions/concerns.